Shift most right switch down that runs program from current address (OOOOOOOOO) and if memory is empty (all zeros) it will work as sequence of instructions ADI 0 (OOO OOO) and increment PC by 2 per step:
Set pause mode by shifting most right switch to neutral position and try manual interruption. Set address POO OOO OOO (most left switch shifted up, all others are neutral):
then shift 2nd switch from right to up:
and it will switch PC to new address (1st LED is greend now) and address will still be set like that if you shift 2nd switch from right back to neutral:
now shift 2nd switch from right down and it should set PC back to OOO OOO OOO
and shifting 2nd switch from right back to newutral will not change that (PC will stay all zeros)
Set pause mode by shifting most right switch to neutral position to try write and read. Enter address OPO OOO OOO (for
3niti alpha simu1 it should be OPN NNN xxx):
Then set data triad to NNP:
Then write it to memory by shifting 3rd switch from right up:
Now data LEDs show entered triad. Then shift 3rd switch from right back to neutral and it reconnect data LEDs to memory cell with address PC (should be OOO):
Then shift data switched back to neutral:
And by shifting 3rd switch from right down we will read content of memory with address from switches - it should display NNP:
P.S. Using this approach we can enter programs and run them