Кросс-ассемблер ZMAC v1.33

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Кросс-ассемблер ZMAC v1.33

Post by Shaos »

http://nedopc.org/nedopc/sprinter/download/zmac133.zip (131Kb)

Новая версия ZMAC v1.33 с добавлениями от Vasil Ivanov

Code: Select all

2005-03-30  Vasil Ivanov from http://forum.nedopc.org

	* Version 1.33 -- changes were done directly in generated zmac.c

	* All messages stderr now go to stdout to be able to redirect everything to 1 file

	* Fixed issue in new function doincbin() that caused "phase error".

2005-02-25  Vasil Ivanov from http://forum.nedopc.org

	* Version 1.32 -- changes were done directly in generated zmac.c

	* Put all labels starting with @ to file .tbl

	* Added directive INCBIN to include binary file

	* Note: Quotation is not needed for include and incbin

	* Note: This assembler doesn't know undocumented instructions

2005-02-?? Vasil Ivanov from http://forum.nedopc.org

	* Version 1.31 -- changes were done directly in generated zmac.c

	* Some changes from above (sources were lost)

2000-07-02  Mark RISON  <mrison@hotmail.com>

	* Version 1.3.

	* Improve man page (including portability fixes by Tim).

	* From Matthew, Tim and Russell: compiler warning avoidance.

2000-06-25  Mark RISON  <mrison@hotmail.com>

	* Version 1.3b4.

	* Allow benign EQU redefinition.

	* Cut down on warnings in pass 1.

	* Find and (hopefully!) fix nasty bug in error recovery in arglists.

	* Allow JP HL/IX/IY syntax.  A warning is issued.

	* Revamp man page.

	* From Tim Mann: resolve r/r conflict for parentheses in expressions.

2000-06-18  Mark RISON  <mrison@hotmail.com>

	* Version 1.3b3.

	* BeOS now supported (just treat as a Un*x variant!).

	* Upgrade to bison 1.28 so alloca () no longer a problem.

	* Document the operator zoo.

	* Allow normal parentheses in expressions.
	  (FIXME: is there a way to tell bison the r/r conflict is OK?)

	* From Tim Mann: sort out operator precedence; make it C-like.

2000-05-25  Mark RISON  <mrison@hotmail.com>

	* Version 1.3b2.

	* Fix error handling fix (with Tim's help!).

	* From Tim Mann: add relationals and synonyms for NOT, MOD, SHL, SHR.

2000-03-18  Mark RISON  <mrison@hotmail.com>

	* Version 1.3b1.

	* Fix error handling.

	* Allow a leading colon or no special character at all
	to introduce a label.

	* Allow $ and # to introduce hex constants.

	* Allow COND and ENDC as synoyms for IF and ENDIF.

	* More ANSI C pedantry.

	* From Tim Mann: remove the nasty and buggy hack to allow AND,
	OR and XOR to be used as binary operators and do it properly.

	* From Tim Mann: fix bug which prevented & from being used as
	a binary operator when it was allowed to introduce a hex constant.

	* From Matthew Phillips: try filename as given before trying
	to add a '.z' extension.

2000-02-27  Mark RISON  <mrison@hotmail.com>

	* Version 1.2.

	* Stop trying to add an extension to INCLUDEd files
	(this stupid idea was a misfeature introduced in
	Instead, define canonical form, which is automatically
	decanonicalised according to the local OS requirements
	(see the man page for more details).

	* Add support for RISC OS.

	* Increase the maximum number of IFs to 1024.

	* Issue warning when SLL is used.

	* Further ANSI C-ify.
	  (FIXME: anyone know how to convince bison not to use alloca ()?)

	* Tweak command-line error reporting.

	* Remove legacy non-ANSI C garbage.

	* From Matthew Phillips: add support for outputting AMSDOS header.

	* From Matthew Phillips: add support for RISC OS DDE throwback.

2000-02-11  Russell Marks  <russell.marks@dtn.ntl.com>

	* zmac.1: updated man page.

	* zmac.y: changed `-O' warning output to look more like gcc
	(`foo.z:N: warning: wibble' rather than `foo.z:N: wibble

	* zmac.y: changed to use my old getoptn() getopt clone instead of
	`real' getopt(), as I know Mark likes his portability :-) (and it
	probably wouldn't work on DOS otherwise, which even I would like
	it to...).

	* zmac.y: merged in changes (relative to 1.1) from my current
	zmac. These were:

	* zmac.y: minor changes to avoid egcs/gcc `ambiguous else'

	* zmac.y: changes from Chris Smith [slightly changed to fit zmac
	1.1.1.x]. `-o' now specifies output file; `-x' specifies listing
	file (`-x -' does the same as the old `-o' option); the
	undocumented `sll' opcode is now allowed; "Cannot open foo file"
	errors now give the filename; a `.z' extension is only added to
	source filename if it has no extension; args are now parsed with

	* Makefile: fix missing dependencies for zmac.

1999-10-03  Mark RISON  <mrison@hotmail.com>

	* Version

	* Fix bug in nested ELSEs.

	* Pad .bin file when multiple ORGs are used.

	* `-O' option invokes optimisation suggester
	  for JP, RLC/RRC/RL/RR/SLA A and LD A, 0.

	* Reinstate 0x02, 0x0a, 0x12 and 0x1a as valid 8080 opcodes.

	* Add zmac.c to .zip file (for those who don't have yacc/bison).

	* Make makefile no longer depend on GNU make implicit rules.

1999-07-18  Mark RISON  <mrison@hotmail.com>

	* Version (nee 1.1.1).

	* Extend symbol significance from 15 to 40 chars.
	  A warning is issued regarding truncated symbols.

	* Make continuous listing be the default.

	* Add ELSE to IF/ENDIF construct.

	* Allow INCLUDE filename to be delimited by " or '.

	* Allow labels to be defined using .name (as well as name:).

	* Allow ADD/SBC/ADD s syntax (implicit "A, ").
	  A warning is issued.

	* Issue warning for SUB/AND/XOR/OR/CP A, s syntax (explicit "A, ").

	* Issue warning for CMP and JMP opcodes, and V and NV condition codes.

	* Catch division by zero in expressions.

	* Allow hex constants to be specified using a leading '&'.
	  (FIXME: what's all this testing of nextchar () against '$' for?)

	* Add DB, DEFM and TEXT as synonyms for DEFB.

	* Add DS and RMEM as synonyms for DEFS.

	* Add DW as synonym for DEFW.

	* Add READ as synonym for INCLUDE.

	* Allow strings to be specified using " too.

	* Allow AND, OR and XOR to be used as binary operators.
	  (FIXME: a bit of a nasty hack; can it be done more cleanly?)

	* Make file handing consistent for source and INCLUDE:
	  for both, try to open with ".z" first, then with no extension.

1998-12-15  Russell Marks  <rus@lifeson>

	* Version 1.1.

	* Added support for --help and --version.

	* zmac.1: mentioned `title' pseudo-op.

	* Converted revision history from zmac.y into Emacs change log
	format (roughly).

	* Now outputs errors more like a C compiler (one per line,
	prefixed with filename and line-in-file), useful for `M-x compile'
	in Emacs. New `-S' option makes it show the error-causing line
	like it used to.

	* Made it output current file for error reports.

	* Added `void' to prototypes for funcs with no args.

	* Removed unnecessary `char *ctime()' and `fflush(stderr)'.

	* Made it support filenames longer than 14 chars!

1998-02-26  Russell Marks  <rus@lifeson>

	* Version 1.0 (for the sake of argument).

	* Made usage message say what the program is. :-)

1998-02-12  Russell Marks  <rus@lifeson>

	* Added verbose inline errors in listing and made the original
	terse one-letter ones available via new `-t' option.

	* Added `-c' option to produce continuous listing (no page breaks
	or page headers).

	* Corrected plurals in listing so you don't get things like "1
	symbols" any more.

	* Added `-z' option to output 8080-compatible code only - i.e., to
	flag Z80-specific ops as errors.

1998-02-11  Russell Marks  <rus@lifeson>

	* Fixed LIST-without-args segfault.

	* Allowed decimal constants to be up to 65535 (rather than up to
	32767 before; I checked and there was no reason for the previous
	exception for decimal even on systems with 16-bit ints).

	* Removed the `-d' debug option.

	* Removed the `-t' option. It did everything as normal *except*
	for not reporting errors. I can't imagine any valid reason for
	wanting that.

	* Made exit status 1 if there were errors in the assembly.

	* Fixed `equ' bug - it now detects forward refs to `equ's with
	forward refs and flags them as errors (because of course you'd
	need three passes to resolve them). The fix is pretty
	nasty-looking but it was really the only way I could see to do it.
	Some assemblers (e.g. Hisoft's GENS4) don't allow forward refs in
	`equ's at all, so count yourselves lucky! :-)

	* Changed symbol table listing so it fits in 80 columns.

	* Fixed `if' to not depend on internals of yacc parser (which
	appear to have changed, anyway).

	* Added support for normal `rst' format (0, 8, 10h, 18h...; still
	allows the previous 0, 1, 2, 3...).

	* Made default output binary (as .bin), added `-h' to get .hex.

	* ANSIfied the thing (painful!) and cleaned up a little.

1987-02-05  Colin Kelley

	* Added 'cmp' as a synonym for 'cp', 'jmp' as a synonym for 'jp',
	and added tolerance of accumulator specification for arithmetic
	and logical instructions. (For example, 'or a,12' is now accepted,
	same as 'or 12'.)

1987-01-18  Colin Kelley

	* Added MIO code to emulate 'mfile' using malloc()'d memory. This
	was needed to get the code to work when compiled under MSC 4.0 on
	a PC, and it's probably faster anyway.

1986-10-02  Colin Kelley

	* Added some more typecasts to keep lint a little happier. Removed
	several unused variables. Changed most vars declared as char to
	int, since many of them were being compared with -1! I still don't
	know what's going on with est[][] being malloc'd and free'd
	everywhere...it looks pretty fishy...

1986-09-20  Colin Kelley

	* Converted to run on a Pyramid. This meant changing yylval to be
	a %union, and then putting in the appropriate typecasts where ints
	are pointers are used interchangeably. The current version still
	probably won't run on machines where
	sizeof(int) != sizeof(char *).
	Also changed emit() to use varargs, and got rid of the old
	style = in front of yacc action code.

1984-08-27  John Providenza

	* Added PHASE/DEPHASE commands.

1984-05-22  John Providenza

	* Added include files ala ormac.

1984-05-11  John Providenza

	* Added code to print unused labels out with the symbol table.
	Also sped up the macro processor by using stdio.

1983-06-07  John Providenza

	* Fixed bug in the ADD IX,... instruction.

1983-02-15  John Providenza

	* Fixed 'getlocal' to return better local labels. It used to crash
	after 6 invocations.

1982-03-15  John Providenza

	* Changed maximum number of characters in a label to 15 from 7.
	Note that 'putsymtab' uses this value inside of a quoted string,
	so we use 15.

	* Added underscore as a character type in the lex table 'numpart'

1982-03-08  John Providenza

	* Converted to run on Vax, updated syntax to conform better to the
	Zilog standard.

1978-04-??  Bruce Norskog

	* Initial version.
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Re: Кросс-ассемблер ZMAC

Post by Shaos »

Добавил исходники zmac в репу nedoPC SDK:

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Re: Кросс-ассемблер ZMAC v1.33

Post by Shaos »

Сборка чуть более новым gcc v12.2.0 показывает вот такие вот Warnings:

Code: Select all

> gcc -O -Wall -o zmac zmac.c mio.c getoptn.c
mio.c: In function ‘mfputc’:
mio.c:57:75: warning: pointer used after ‘realloc’ [-Wuse-after-free]
   57 |                         mptr = (unsigned char *) (p + (unsigned int)(mptr - mhead));
      |                                                                     ~~~~~~^~~~~~~~
mio.c:51:26: note: call to ‘realloc’ here
   51 |                 if ((p = realloc(mhead,msize+MALLOC_SIZE)) == (unsigned char *)-1) {
      |                          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
mio.c: In function ‘mfwrite’:
mio.c:114:83: warning: pointer used after ‘realloc’ [-Wuse-after-free]
  114 |                                 mptr = (unsigned char *) (p + (unsigned int)(mptr - mhead));
      |                                                                             ~~~~~~^~~~~~~~
mio.c:108:34: note: call to ‘realloc’ here
  108 |                         if ((p = realloc(mhead,msize+MALLOC_SIZE)) == (unsigned char *)-1){
      |                                  ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/shaos/src/nedoPC.org/zmac'
Надо будет как-нибудь исправить...
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