Overview of New Features in DSS 1.6
The release notes for Estex? DSS? 1.6-RELEASE contain a summary of the changes made to the Estex? DSS? base system since 1.55-RELEASE?.
What's New
Now we release a new system feature as System Environment. It's the ability to use environment variables in batch files. These variables can be referenced by surrounding the variable with percent symbols (%).
Also it allow to improve program launching. By special %PATH%
variable which contain list of directories for search executable files.
Command Processor (SYSTEM.EXE?) Enhancements
- Added new built-in command PATH?. To specify, display the current search path.
- Added new built-in command SET?. To displays, sets, or removes system environment variables.
- Added environment variable substitution .
- Added command line parameters substitution %1...%9 and %0.
- Fixed bug in batch-parser. Sometimes, it could merge two lines in a batch-file.
User's Commands Enhancements
- Added new external command ATTRIB?. Show/Change file(s) or directory attributes.
- Added new external command BOOT?. Puts bootstrap record to the disk.
- Added new external command CDX?. CDROM extension.
- Added new external command COPY?. Copy a file.
- Added new external command FVIEW?. View a text file.
- Added new external command IF?. Exitcode condition.
- Added new external command INPUT?. Input environment variable.
- Added new external command KEYBOARD?. Keyboard control.
- Added new external command MENU?. User menu.
- Added new external command RAMDRIVE?. Create 720K RAM-drive.
System Kernel Enhancements
- Added new DSS function DSS_ENVIRON? (46h) with three subfunctions for System Environment.
- Added new DSS function DSS_APPINFO? (47h) with three subfunctions for getting application related information.
- Improved DSS functions DSS_CREATE? (0Ah), DSS_CREAT_N? (0Bh). Now it masked incorrect attribute values.
- Improved DSS function DSS_ATTRIB? (16h). Now it allow to change attributes for directory.
- Improved DSS function DSS_EXEC? (40h) subfunction 0. Now it use PATH variable.
- Improved DSS functions DSS_WINCOPY? (59h), DSS_WINREST? (5Ah).
- Improved DSS function DSS_ECHOKEY? (32h). Added visualization of blinked cursor.
- Fixed bug in DSS function DSS_ATTRIB? (16h). With system attribute.
- Fixed bug in DSS function DSS_CHDIR? (1Dh). Bug with "CD ." in root directory.
- Fixed bug in DSS function DSS_EXEC? (40h). Incorrect PID with execute failure.
- Fixed bug in DSS function DSS_SCROLL? (55h). Bug when A=0.
- Fixed bug with filename parsing.
- Fixed bug in DSS function DSS_PUT_D_T? (18h). It's not updated date and time if file hasn't changes between OPEN and CLOSE calls.
- And also some other internal changes and improvements.
Release candidate 20021215.160 (v1.60 RC)
Release 20030214.160 (v1.60 R)
Source code repository: https://gitlab.com/sprinter-computer/dos
SUCC >>> DSSv161?
DSSv155? <<< PRED
Retreived from archives and corrected by Shaos in November 2020