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PetersPlus Sprinter is a 8-bit multiform computer with Z80 compatible processor Z84C15 by Zilog® Inc and ALTERA® PLD that is most important part of the computer. A Programmable Logic Device (PLD) is an integrated circuit that can be programmed to perform complex logic functions. Usage PLD allow to change the Sprinter architecture by software without replace any hardware components of the motherboard. Sprinter has some configurations: for games, for Sprinter video and for ZX Spectrum mode (you can use several clones of Spectrum without leaving your Sprinter). Sprinter uses standard modern peripherals: regular printer for printing text or figures, CD-ROM for playing audio CD, hard disk for a storage your files, keyboard and mouse. Officially production stopped in 2003, but Sprinter still exists as community supported computer.


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Page last modified on August 11, 2024, at 01:50 AM

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