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Thunder in the Deep

Animated GIF


It is a story about a brave hero who try finding treasures of the deserted pyramid. There are mazes and puzzles, fire and water, different enemies and bonuses in the game. All actions of the main hero has nice animation and sound effects.

What's new

The full version (v1.10) of the game contains following new features:

  • installer which allows to install the game in any disk directory
  • music in the main menu (you can add your favorite music too)
  • tuning of background color (256 colors)
  • each 5th level has a password for quick start of the game from your last game position
  • the second sprites set which was used for design of most deep rooms of the pyramid
  • quick levels with limited time of play
  • bonuses and helpful things
  • secret levels

Technical information

The game is packed into a single file and decompressing is performed while loading. In depacked form the game occupies more than 3MB.

For the first time the tiling capabilities of Sprinter graphics mode is used. Tile is a 8x8 pixels square portion of the screen what can be repeated in any part of screen by duplication of its index.

Game is working in graphical mode 320x256 and uses 256 colors. The maximum game map size can be up to 64x64 elements (it could be not only a square) 24x24 pixels each.

A lot of animated graphics sequencies was created for the game. Animated sprites of the hero and enemies are mixed with backround using an accelerator. The number of actually available elements of backroung is higher what can be loaded in video ram at once, because the elements are reloading in realtime. The combined sprites are used for the hero (a bag for the diamonds is a separate sprite).

There are smooth 1-pixel scrolling with use of Game Configuration. The game includes a special version of firmware (which define hardware features) for loading to the Altera PLD. All changes of firmware are temporary. Previous firmware will be restored after the game finishing.

The engine is capable of filling the whole game area with with animated and moving objects (diamonds, stones, water).

To increase a speed of the program, all time-consumption tasks are performed from 16k of Fast-RAM.

The Program required a Sprinter computer with:

  • Sp2000 (Sp2000-Light) mainboard
  • BIOS 3.xx
  • Estex DSS v1.54-1.6x
  • 3.1 MB memory
  • 1.5 MB of hard disk

Installation and registration

To install the game run INSTALL.EXE in any directory of disk.

Installer shows ID NUMBER of your game copy. Write down that number and fill it in the registration form. As the game is not free you should pay for the registration. You can find payment details in the distribution package.

After registration procedure, installation continue. You can install the game to any disk directory (usually it's C:\TITD\).

If you wish to listen to a music in the main menu, you should copy music (*.WAV)" files from the package to the game directory.

Also you can use any wav-files with 8 bit 22KHz format.


Game CD
  • Demo 1 (November 2002) - The first demoversion (glitchy).
  • Demo 2 (January 2003) - The second demoversion that includes a single level of the game (playable).
  • Full game v1.10 (March 2003) - Distribute package of the full game that includes installer and short music files (you need to have a numeric registration code linked to your board to install it on your Sprinter computer).


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Thunder In The Deep © 2003 Deviants. © 2003 Peters Plus Ltd. All rights reserved.

>>> Levels Decoded <<<

Retreived from archives and corrected by Shaos in November-December 2020

Page last modified on December 23, 2020, at 08:55 AM

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